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Targeting macrophages in cancer immunotherapy: Frontiers and challenges
Yu’e Liu, Huabing Tan, Jingyuan Dai, Jianghua Lin, Kaijun Zhao, Haibo Hu and Chunlong Zhong Journal of Advanced Research (2025)
Role of glutaminyl-peptide cyclo-transferase-like protein (QPCTL) in cancer: From molecular mechanisms to immunotherapy
Enwa Felix Oghenemaro, Subasini Uthirapathy, Deepak Nathiya, Parjinder Kaur, M. Ravi Kumar and Ashish Verma Gene 937 149153 (2025)
Deciphering the role of CD47 in cancer immunotherapy
Yu'e Liu, Linjun Weng, Yanjin Wang, Jin Zhang, Qi Wu, Pengcheng Zhao, Yufeng Shi, Ping Wang and Lan Fang Journal of Advanced Research 63 129 (2024)
Identification of imidazole-based small molecules to combat cognitive disability caused by Alzheimer’s disease: A molecular docking and MD simulations based approach