Open Access

Table 1

Curriculum for the music intervention short training for healthcare practitioners.

Module Topics Category Credit Instructor background
Music therapist Specialists’ background
Theory foundations of music intervention Historical development and mechanisms of music intervention Theory 1 / Oncologist
Cognitive behavioral therapy: case conceptualization and case studies Theory 2 / Psychiatrist
Psychodynamic therapy Theory 1 / Psychologist
Humanistic and positive psychology Theory 2 /
Applications in medical settings Music intervention in oncology: From the perspective of an oncologist Theory 1 / Oncologist
Neuro-music therapy in rehabilitation Theory 2 Yes Rehabilitation technician
Music therapy in palliative care Theory 2 Yes Music therapy researcher
Psychological assessment and management of common psychosomatic issues in oncology patients Theory + Practice 2 / Nurse with psychologist’s credentials
Technical skills and case studies Music elements in intervention: A two-part series Theory + Practice 3 Yes
Music styles and emotional regulation Theory 2 / Lecturer in Music College
Dynamics in intervention: case analysis Theory 1 Yes
Operational procedures in music intervention Theory + Practice 2
Hands-on training and applied techniques Emotion regulation techniques through music (ER) Practical 4 Yes Psychologist
Music-guided breathing: Applications and techniques Practical 4 Yes Private sector
Re-creative music intervention: Application techniques Practical 4 Yes Music therapy researcher
Music intervention in perioperative care: Applications and techniques Practical 2 Yes Nurses
Professional ethics and closing remarks Professional practice ethics and examination Theory + Exam 1 Yes

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