Open Access

Table 3

Assumptions and data requirements for quasi-experimental design.

−Underlying differences among systems from which patients of SAT/ECA studies are drawn remain unchanged over time.
−Any secular changes (e.g., clinical guidelines) over time affect the SATs and ECAs similarly.
Data requirements
−The systems from which SAT patients are drawn are different from those from which ECA patients are drawn; patients drawn within-system prior to and post intervention were different patients.
−Similar (if not identical) eligibility criteria (e.g., prognostic risk factors) are applicable to all patients.
−Except the SAT group, all information on the other 3 groups (i.e., the ECA with post-intervention measurement, ECA with pre-intervention measurement, and SAT with pre-intervention measurement) is extracted retrospectively via chart reviews.
−Concurrent timing (i.e., the pre-intervention period is similar between a SAT and an ECA; so is the post-intervention period).

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